Friday, February 25, 2011

Got a new camera, so of COURSE I had to do makeup!

Picked up my new camera today! I am pretty pleased with it so far, it has amazing macro & HD recording. It wasn't the one I intended on getting, but after playing around with other cameras, this is the one I liked best. I did a test-run tutorial so that I can start getting myself in the groove of talking & doing makeup :P I have great amounts of respect for those who record tutorials, because I am so ADD/boring & listening to myself was a total joke, hahah. But I vow to get better & have tutorials soon :) I also have to get the lighting in my room done up. I purchased a 6-bulb vanity bar & some full-spectrum light bulbs to help mimic natural light. My sister is going to put everything together for me & mount it on my wall, so I will start recording & posting tutorials (for real) once that's taken care of.

Also, I am so happy that FINALLY my photos come out true to colour. I don't have everything figured out on the camera in terms of settings, but I think I'm going to really like sharing FOTD's a whole lot more :D

Anyway, here's tonights look!


What I used;
NYX White eyeshadow base
MAC Flammable paint on lid
Sugarpill Love + eyeshadow on lid
Sugarpill Dollipop eyeshadow on crease
Sugarpill Tako eyeshadow to highlight
Sugarpill Poison Plum eyeshadow on crease
Random purple liner + Poison Plum & Dollipop on lower lash line
MAC Blacktrack fluidline

MAC Her Own Devices beauty powder

MAC Lady Gaga 2 lipstick
Smashbox Desire lipgloss

I'm definitely more & more excited to do FOTDs/tutorials now that I have a decent camera.  Hope you like the look, I'll fo sho have maaaaany more to come <3!


  1. You can't show us these gorgeous pictures and then not tell us what kind of camera you got! ;)

  2. I can't wait to see you put out videos!

    This look is beautiful as well, I've never been able to pull off pinks though :(

  3. Awesome looks, looking forward to your tutorials! x

  4. Guhhhhhh so pretty! Sugarpill is another brand I've been meaning to buy and just haven't. I should probably hold off on that til I actually start wearing colors more often, though.

    Or maybe I could use it as incentive. hmm

  5. @my wifey; i got a nikon coolpix S8100 <3 it's rad.

    @Azreu; i've had a severe love/hate relationship with pinks. having flame red hair & bright pink eyeshadow made me look so gross, hahah. but now that i'm shifting my hair colour around, i've started to do the same with makeup. for the most part, though, i tend to stay away from pinks.

    @Shanna; sugarpill rules! i love their product. a lot of people have been saying it's pricey, but IMO, it's not that bad. considering how much product you get, plus the general awesomeness of it all, it's so worth it!
