Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A couple things

You might have noticed some layout changes on the blog. Nothing so far is permanent, I'm just getting myself familiar with the html & coding so that I can build my own layout. If there is something you like/dislike, I am open to suggestions!

Soooo close to 100 followers! I can't thank you all enough for your support! I am having a blast with this and can't wait to broaden my horizons. A couple things regarding the giveaway; I will let the winner choose their prize. I have everything sorted out. Things like the Naked palette are for when I have 500 or so, while MAC single eyeshadows & smaller cosmetics items will be given away now. I'm trying to get these in order. I also decided that once I reach about 300, I will be doing contest like giveaways. Some things may be simple, like writing a small paragraph on how/why you like makeup, etc. Others may be FOTD contests. I'm still putting everything together & will let you all know. Any input is appreciated & as always, I am open to hearing your thoughts/suggestions. All prizes won from contests will be shipped within 3 days & will include DC, just in case. I am also going to do other random giveaways throughout the 100-follower ones. I have lots of goodies to give away!

I also am going to start posting more of my everyday makeup. So far, I've mostly just posted special things, or projects that I've spent a lot of time on. You may have noticed my liking for video games & while I haven't officially announced this as being a series, it is indeed a series :P I have several in mind to get the ball rollin' on after this one is done. But inbetween these, I will start posting more photos of makeup.

I want to also do a day for reviews & the follow day include several looks with the reviewed products, regardless of the rating/score/review I've given them. Sure, swatches are nice, but sometimes seeing the product incorporated into a look helps make or break your decision to purchase.

With that said, I really wanted to do makeup today. I'm completely snowed in due to the blizzard. I named it "ChicagOwned" or "ChiPwnd" ;D We got 22 inches here & I spent the entire day shoveling my way out of my house & also on my driveway. my arms feel like pure jelly & hurt so bad. Just showering was hurting, so I unfortunately don't see myself wanting to do makeup tonight :(

Anyway! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I am always, always open to hearing what you have to say! Thanks so much to everyone!


  1. Um - stupid question lol, but how can we be sure we're actually following you? I've always followed blogs by RSS feed, but fairly recently discovered BlogLovin so that I could get daily emails. I know I'm following through that (not sure if that counts) and maybe through Google Friend Connect, but my crap ad blocker sometimes blocks that, sometimes doesn't, so I can't always even see it to be sure. GFC just confuses me, anyway.

    I really like that you're keeping us all up to date on what you're trying to achieve with the blog :) I of course love seeing your fotd's and swatches, but knowing what's going on ~behind the scenes (especially if there are changes - even small ones, like a layout change) is always nice. :D

  2. I love this peachy/coral/black layout!

  3. Ugh, the snow lol I'm in NJ and we're complaining about what we have. They were showing Chigago on the news last night and I now am not so upset about what we have because it could be so much worse!

    Can't wait to see the new makeup looks!

  4. @Shannah; I have no clue, rofl. I generally will just go to another bloggers page, hit follow & that's it. Unfortunately, I have no idea about following by other sources.

    I want to keep readers in the loop. I mean, afterall, you're the one's who have to look at this page :P

    @Femputer; I was trying to go for something more pinkish, but settled on this...for now :P

    @Katie; Here at my house we got 22 inches! It's insane. My car crashed into a drift, because I foolishly went to work the night of the storm. It was insane. So happy it's gone now, been working on digging myself out for two days :P
