Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Glamour Doll Eyes : Swatches & Review

Quickie post! I should be getting ready for work, but my Glamour Doll Eyes order just came in. This was my first time ordering from them & so I wanted to post my thoughts and swatches!

All shadows come in a 5g jar. On the website, you have the option of choosing a sifter, however, you'll receive less product. Here's a comparison of the full jar size versus the sample size.
 Full sized jars from the regular line are $6.00 a piece. Sample sizes are $2.50 in a jar, or $1.25 in a sample baggie.

I also purchased four glitter samples. Full sizes are $4.00, sample jars are $1.75 & sample baggies are $1.00

All are patted dry over NYX jumbo eye pencil in milk!

 In natural "blizzard light" because we are getting a massive dump of snow ;D

Sorry I didn't label the photos, but I am a little short on time. Colours are;
Top row, left to right: 
Cloud Coverage, Electric Lemonade, FrankenGlamour, Shamrock, Immature, Radioactive

Bottom row, left to right:
Trend Setter, Jealousy, Backstabber, Aqua Foil, Martini Olive, Lovers Lane

 Glitters were patted over LA Splash eyeshadow sealer

Left to right: Techno, Cashed Out, Rave,  Fierce

I didn't realize how many greens I purchased until my order came in. Generally, whenever I want to try a new makeup brand, I always order their most popular green colour. Glamour Doll Eyes has a huge selection, so finding just one to try was difficult. Their product is made from earth minerals & I'm not sure if this is just repackaged mica with an added base. But even if it is, it's a good price & you have a huge selection. Considering how many companies repackage (BTW, I'm not claiming that GDE does repackage, this is just my observation.) and resell for 300% more than what the product is worth, less than $2 a sample isn't bad at all. 

All the colours I received applied well for the swatches. I just use a q-tip, dab it in colour & pat it on top of whatever base I'm using. These colours are soft & fluffy, but still maintain a great deal of vibrancy. Their matte colours are for sure worth checking out, especially Radioactive; it's so intense! The colour I liked the least was Lover's Lane. I was hoping for a more ruby red, as opposed to a golden toned red which I just simply cannot pull off :P Electric Lemonade seems to be their best seller & I can see why; it's crazy bright, but not over the top. Martini Olive is quite possibly my favourite; it's a nearly black dark green matte shade which I know I will definitely be using very soon.

The glitters I absolutely love! They are intense & full of so much colour. I would absolutely suggest using these wet over a sticky or coloured base. I will definitely be purchasing more of these bad boys.

Sorry this is pretty short! I really wanted to get these posted before I venture off in the blizzard for work :P Stay warm & stay safe, everyone!

[All products listed in this review were purchased by me & were not sent for consideration. This review is my honest opinion, for which I am not being paid for]


  1. It looks like most of their best sellers are repacks(not their own colors) and they are the ones with the asterisk. Some of the colors have looked intriguing but I am just a little turned off by all the gurus plastered on the site

  2. i do agree with you, especially about the guru thing. to me, the makeup is simple, mediocre. nothing to especially rave over. there are a few that caught my eye as being unique, but it is my assumption that it's all repackaging.

  3. Fab review, I've never tried any of their products but they look great. Love your blog, am a new follower :)

  4. following you! :D

    i think for basic colours, it's a good place to start. some of them look really unique, but for placing my first order, i didn't want to go over-board!
